We’re making available to our providers important information about changes to Peoples Health plans, which are effective Jan. 1, 2023. This includes the following, which are or will be accessible on the Provider Portal, under the Forms and Resources tab:
- Available now! – Provider Benefit Packet, a detailed list of benefits and costs with notable changes highlighted
- Available mid-November – Quick Reference Guides (for physicians, hospitals and ancillary providers), contains important phone numbers, authorization notes and member cost-sharing for select benefits
If you need hard copies of these resources or have questions about them, contact your Peoples Health representative at 1-800-631-8443, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., or email phn.provider@peopleshealth.com.
Help us understand your appointment availability through our online provider profile. To access your profile, log in to Provider Portal and click the Member Viewer tab. From the Provider Profile Verification menu at the top of the screen, you can see profiles for each provider or location associated with your Provider Portal account. Select a profile, enter updated details, as needed, then click Submit.