
Empower Patients to Prepare for Future Care

Empower Patients to Prepare for Future Care

We appreciate the advance care planning (ACP) discussions you have with your patients, as this remains an important and valuable service that can significantly improve the overall quality of a patient’s end-of-life care. Encourage regular discussion, at least once per...

Decisions About Coverage

Decisions About Coverage

Be assured that Peoples Health makes decisions about coverage for health care services as such: Utilization management decision-making is based only on medical necessity, appropriateness of care and services, and existence of coverage. Peoples Health does not reward...

EFT Reduces Payment Wait Times

EFT Reduces Payment Wait Times

Electronic funds transfer (EFT) is a free and secure way to receive faster claim payments. This payment method utilizes electronic means, rather than paper checks, to transfer monies between parties, thus eliminating wait times for postal delays. With hurricane season...